Olsen and Beagle and Tolkien, Oh My!

This just in from Trish Lambert!

Olsen and Beagle and Tolkien, Oh My!

Mythgard Institute’s First Annual Mythmoot will be all Hobbit, all the time…

It was a real problem. After listening to The Tolkien Professor for years, including this year’s Riddles in the Dark ‘cast conjecturing about Peter Jackson’s new film, I knew too much.

There was no way I was going to be able to sit in a theater with a bunch of strangers and watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey without risking being escorted out by Security. Based on the information made available by Jackson and the press, it looked like there were going to be scenes that would make me shudder, cry, and finally stand up and start yelling.

What was I going to do? Wait for the DVD to come out before I watched the movie?

No surprise, then, that it was a huge relief to find out about Mythmoot 2012: A Long Anticipated Journey being held by the Mythgard Institute, The Tolkien Professor’s institute of higher learning. Taking place in Baltimore, Maryland the weekend of December 15 and 16, the event will start off with a private showing of The Hobbit in 3D, 48 frames per second. Mythmoot will then continue at a nearby hotel conference center to discuss the film, the book, and spaces in between. Between Q&A panels, discussion breakout groups, a banquet Saturday night, and presentations given on Sunday, this was going to be more than watching the film in a safe environment: It was an opportunity to talk Tolkien with a group of enthusiastic people, led by Corey Olsen.


I registered, I made my travel arrangements and then WHAM! Another surprise!

Peter S. Beagle, he of The Last Unicorn and the Bakshi animated Lord of the Rings, will be in attendance. The fun index went up a power of ten for me. Corey Olsen and Peter Beagle in the same room! This is going to be great…

If you are wondering how to safely watch The Hobbit and can make it to Baltimore the weekend of its U.S. release, come join the fun! You’ll recognize me; I’ll be the one in the Mythmoot shirt and the big smile on her face!

Get more information about Mythgard Institute’s Mythmoot 2012: A Long Anticipated Journey

About John Di Bartolo 36 Articles
I'm just a minstrel on a wandering horse. Hear John's "Folk-Fantasy" music here: Second Breakfast by Lonely Mountain Band


  1. Nice piece John! It’s going to be lots of fun! So glad you could make it. I think however that people will be distinguished by NOT wearing their MythMoot swag 🙂 Cheers!

  2. Hey, I just talked to Peter S. Beagle on the phone (he’s an old friend). I read him this post and he said he can’t wait to go to the Mythmoot event. “Good things always happen to me in Baltimore. I get to stay at my friend’s house and drink his homebrew he makes right in the living room. I met Neil Gaiman in Baltimore. And the bagels and lox are amazing!” He wanted to send his greetings to Trish Lambert and looks forward to meeting her and hanging out with everyone, including Corey.

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