The Hobbit Collectible Latex Weapons from Wicked Replicas

For those of you that are getting your Middle-Earth cosplay ready for the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey but are worried you won’t be able to complete your costume by adorning the appropriate weapon, good news!

Wicked Replicas has released a safe line of weapon replicas based on the ones used in the upcoming Hobbit movie. Made from a fiberglass core covered in rubber, they can be safely worn to events, LARP battling, or simply displayed on your wall.

Be ready to face the evils of Middle-Earth in safety and style with these “battle ready latex collectables”! Choose from the following;



One of the most powerful wizards in all Middle- Earth joins the quest to reclaim the dwarf kingdom of Erebor and the great treasure that lies within it’s stone halls from a fire-breathing dragon, Smaug the Terrible. In order to uncover the truth, Gandalf must leave his companions to fend for temselves – a journey that will take him into the darkest corners of Middle-Earth where his worst suspicions are confirmed.



Bilbo Baggins is fond of his comfortable existence; all he needs to be happy is a full pantry and a good book. When the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves unexpectedly appear on Bilbo’s doorstep and invite him to join them on a dangerous adventure, Bilbo’s life changes forever. Initially skeptical of the invitation, Bilbo’s spirit of adventure leads him to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and become the “burglar” required to complete their quest to outwit a ferocious dragon and reclaim the Dwarves’ stolen treasure. To everyone’s surprise, including his own, Bilbo’s wit and courage prove that there is indeed more to this Hobbit than meets the eye.



As a young Dwarf Prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire-breathing dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. When no one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarfs, a once proud and noble race was forced into exile. Now, as the strong, fearless fighter and respected leader of The Company of Dwarfs, Thorin is determined to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that brought such misery upon his people.



Kili’s Sword

Younger brother to Fili, Kili is a loyal nephew to Thorin Oakenshield. Carefree and somewhat reckless, Kili has led a charmed and untroubled life to this point. Handsome and physically able, Kili possesses the invincible courage of youth. He is a skilled fighter and expert archer, having been trained with weapons from an early age. As one of the youngest in The Company of Dwarfs, Kili is determined to make his mark and prove his worth.


Fili’s Warhammer

Fili was born into the royal line of Durin and raised under the stern guardianship of his uncle, Thorin Oakenshield. Along with his brother Kili, Fili is one of the youngest in The Company of Dwarfs. He has never traveled far, nor ever seen the fabled Dwarf City of Erebor. A skilled fighter, Fili sets off on the adventure ahead with little idea of the challenges and dangers that lie before him.


Fili’s Sword

Fili was born into the royal line of Durin and raised under the stern guardianship of his uncle, Thorin Oakenshield. Along with his brother Kili, Fili is one of the youngest in The Company of Dwarfs.He has never traveled far, nor ever seen the fabled Dwarf City of Erebor. A skilled fighter, Fili sets off on the adventure ahead with little idea of the challenges and dangers that lie before him.

The road goes ever on…start your adventure today with a replica sword for your cosplay!



The Hobbit Merch

About Steve "Rifflo" Fitch 438 Articles
Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, and Italian rapier.


  1. Wicked Replicas indeed. Wish I had the time and finances to geek it up hard core for the premier. Will you be donning a costume?

  2. I will be too busy at the event I am throwing for the network at my local theater. Also… NO costumes permitted, ever since the shooting at the Colorado theater. 🙁

  3. Oh right. How could that have slipped my mind? So there are no costumes at the theater but I’m still wondering, do you have a costume or is your wedding ring costume enough. 😉

  4. these swords look awazing, have you got Thorins Dwarven sword in, or will you ever have it

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