LIVE Tonight on Legendarium: Arkham Knights Cosplay Team – with CONTEST!


Join us on Legendarium.Me for a LIVE interview with the Arkham Knights – Batman & Robin, COSPLAY team TONIGHT at 9 pm (EST)!

We will discuss their incredible costumes, the cosplay scene, and the help and charity work they have done using their cosplay persona. At the end of the discussion, we will be giving away a copy of the DVD – Batman Triple Play, which includes Gotham Knight/Under the Red Hood/Year One. All you have to do is tune in! (To qualify to win, you must be residence of Canada and the US.)WINNER will be announced Friday March 22nd!

SORRY for the echo on my side! There seemed to be some unavoidable feedback from a speaker. Good thing is, Batman and Robin do most of the talking. Sorry again, and I hope that you enjoy the talk.

Who are the Arkham Knights?

“With our identities a secret, we hide in the shadows of Toronto. Always on the look out for crime and villainy. We are justice, we are the night.”
– Batman and Robin

What is “Cosplay”?

Short for “costume play”, is a type of performance art in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centered on role play. A broader use of the term “cosplay” applies to any costumed role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context.

Favorite sources include manga and anime, comic books, video games, and films. Any entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Inanimate objects are given anthropomorphic forms and it is not unusual to see genders switched, with women playing male roles and vice versa. There is also a subset of cosplay culture centered around sex appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing costumes. – Wikipedia

Follow Steve “Rifflo” Fitch on TWITTER: @HobbitSteve


About Steve "Rifflo" Fitch 438 Articles
Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, and Italian rapier.


  1. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it tonight. If I can’t, can you ask this? “What are the troubles with having a cape in day to day life?”

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