A new Batman animated series will be debuting on the Cartoon Network this month called Beware the Batman. You can find the full press release for the new series here. The 30-second teaser of the animated series has Batman facing off against several villains in different sequences, such as Magpie, Anarky and Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad. The visuals look amazing.
Beware the Batman will be debuting on the Cartoon Network July 13th.
Victoria (V. A. Jeffrey) attended Portland Community College and studied graphic design and has worked as a freelance graphic designer and content writer. She loves writing and making up fantasy stories and has loved doing this ever since she was a kid. She is an author and an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy and poetry. She also loves music, art, history, cooking, baking, fermenting stuff, comic book movies and nearly anything Tolkien related. Her biggest writing inspirations are Shakespeare, Frank Herbert and, of course, J.R.R. Tolkien.
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