World War Kaiju!


World War Kaiju Series One: The Cold War Years is a satirical graphic novel project set in an alternate history where the atom bomb was never created but instead, the ultimate weapons of mass destruction are the Kaiju – terrible, massive beasts that were spawned from a mysterious KAI-235 isotope. Follow one journalist as he travels with a retired DIA operative to uncover the truth about the monsters – and the conspiracies, such as:

1. Who are the architects of the inevitable Kaiju War?

2. what is the shocking secret behind the mysterious KAI-235 isotope?

3. Where did Cuba manage to hide a crab monster the size of an aircraft carrier?

4. Why are rogue monsters appearing all over the world?

5. How long can the president keep these truths from the people?

World War Kaiju is the creation of  Team Kaiju. To find out all the details of this incredible graphic novel project and to support it go to their Kickstarter page. You can also find out more about the project and the team on their website: and check out the amazing, beautiful artwork done on the project by renowned artist Patrick McEvoy. The video above gives you all the information you need to know about the project. This looks like a really cool and original project. Check them out!

Victoria (V. A. Jeffrey) attended Portland Community College and studied graphic design and has worked as a freelance graphic designer and content writer. She loves writing and making up fantasy stories and has loved doing this ever since she was a kid. She is an author and an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy and poetry. She also loves music, art, history, cooking, baking, fermenting stuff, comic book movies and nearly anything Tolkien related. Her biggest writing inspirations are Shakespeare, Frank Herbert and, of course, J.R.R. Tolkien.

About Victoria Jeffrey 87 Articles
Victoria attended Portland Community College and studied graphic design and has worked as a freelance graphic designer and content writer. She loves writing and making up fantasy stories and has loved doing this ever since she was a kid. She is an author and an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy and poetry. She also loves music, art, history, cooking, baking, fermenting stuff, comic book movies and nearly anything Tolkien related. Her biggest writing inspirations are Shakespeare, Frank Herbert and, of course, J.R.R. Tolkien.


  1. Thanks for mentioning our project here! It means a lot to us to get support like this – and we’re really excited to get this project out. 🙂

    -Patrick (Artist on WWK)

  2. Sounds wonderful! I’ll forward that to Kat Rocha (our social coordinator) and get the ball rolling. 🙂

  3. Hey Victoria!

    Thank you so much to Legendarium for covering us. Yes,we’d all love to do a follow up with you. What do you need to make this happen?


  4. I’m going to try and see if I can arrange an interview with your team on Google hang-outs, if not perhaps we can do this on Skype and then I’ll record the interview. I have your email address Kat so I’ll be contacting you this week!

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