Mythgard Institute Presents: "Lord of the Rings III"


From Mythgard Institute’s Official Press Release:

Lord of the Rings III

Hollis, NH – On this Thursday, October 24 at 9:30 PM EDT, the Mythgard Institute is beginning an eight-week study of Tolkien’s Return of the King, taught by Corey Olsen, president of Mythgard and host of the Tolkien Professor podcast. This open and tuition-free class will spend six weekly sessions on the main text of The Return of the King, and then an additional two weeks examining the Appendices ofThe Lord of the Rings. The classes are interactive and will be held live; the first one hundred students who register will be able to participate in the discussion. Audio and video recordings of the classes will be available for free download within a day or two after each session. For a full class schedule, visit the class info page below.

The Return of the King class is the first of Mythgard’s new series of open courses, called the Mythgard Academy. These free classes have been funded by contributions to Mythgard’s recent Indiegogo campaign, which raised over $20,000 to support the series. The class series is not only fan-funded, but fan-directed; the Mythgard supporters who funded the campaign are now working to nominate and elect the topics of the classes that the Mythgard Academy will run for the rest of the year. The Return of the King, which completes the classes Prof. Olsen had already begun on The Lord of the Rings, won the first election by the slimmest of margins. The other two finalists for the first class topic were Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. After more than 1,200 votes were cast in the election, The Return of the King beat out Ender’s Game by a single vote. Future classes in the Mythgard Academy are likely to feature a wide array of fantasy and science fiction works.

If you would like to join Prof. Olsen for the first Return of the King class session this Thursday, you can register through GoToMeeting. The recordings of the class series will be available on the course page, through the Mythgard podcast feed, and as an iTunes U course hosted by Signum University.

You can find course details at the following link: Lord of the Rings III

The Mythgard Institute is an online institution that offers challenging, engaging classes, taught by world-class teachers and leading scholars in order to provide students with new opportunities to study works by authors like Tolkien, Rowling, Gaiman and more seriously and with academic rigor, either for their own enrichment or towards the achievement of a degree. The Institute offers literature courses at the master’s level and offers concentrations in areas such as Tolkien studies, medieval literature, and fantasy literature.

For more information:

Dr. Corey Olsen
iTunes U Course
Podcast Feed
Mythgard Academy

Steve “Rifflo” Fitch – Legendarium News Director

Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, Italian rapier, German longsword, and Mixed Martial Arts. Follow Steve on Twitter @HobbitSteve

The Lord of the Rings Merch

About Steve "Rifflo" Fitch 438 Articles
Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, and Italian rapier.

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