Batman vs. Superman: Rumors of Nightwing? is reporting rumors that the Caped Crusader may not be alone in the next installment of the Zack Snyder Superman series of films Batman vs. Superman. According to, Warner Brothers is looking for a “young John Hawkes-type” (not Hawkes himself) to play Dick Grayson. These are unconfirmed rumors, but given that Synder is going with an older, more world-weary Batman it seems logical that he may have other members of the Bat family to help him in his impending encounter with the Man of Steel.

Hawkes gained fame on HBO’s TV series Deadwood


While it might be too early to move beyond speculation at this point, the idea of introducing multipule characters from the DC Universe into the Superman films may be a lead-in to a Justice League movie, especially given the success of The WB’s TV series Arrow and the recent introduction of The Flash to Arrow continuity that will result in the Scarlet Speedster getting his own show.

What do you guys think? Are we going to see an older Dick Grayson helping the Dark Knight in the up-coming Superman films? Is DC trying to orchestrate a shared mutli-film universe that has been so succcessful for Marvel Films? Maybe they’re even planning a TV/Film cross over. Who knows?! Only time will tell what they’ve gotten hidden behind the cowl.


About James Spahn 47 Articles
Part-time hobbit, full-time Tolkien fanatic, James became a fan after the release of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy and within years he had devoured all things Tolkien and embraced his hobbit life. While not fond of adventures, he is enjoying his Unexpected Journey as a father, freelance table-top role-playing game author and Legendarium Media contributor.

1 Comment

  1. I don’t if ultimately it is a good idea or not but it seems clear that Warner is drawing on DC’s New 52 for the movies in much the same way that Marvel has drawn on the Ultimate Universe for the films.
    It’s going to be really interesting to see how this plays out long term as the Ultimate Universe is in the process of being destroyed and the books ending. It begs the question – does over emphasis on being contemporary lead to just going out of style that much faster?

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