Sword of the Jedi Trilogy "On Hold"

Well, it looks like the first casualty of the reformation of the Star Wars EU has come. Christie Golden tweeted yesterday:


The Sword of the Jedi trilogy would have focused on Jaina Solo following the events of Fate of the Jedi. Whether or not the “indefinite hiatus” will translate to actual cancellation for this series is yet to be determined.

Although I’ve not yet reached the Legacy Era, I am a fan of Golden’s work. This was my reaction upon first hearing the news:


About Reporter Michelle Lawhorn:
Michelle, a.k.a. Stormraven, is what can only be described as an eclectic nerd. Her interests and expertise range from Doctor Who to Lord of the Rings, cosplay to comics, and Bollywood to opera to name just a few. When not raving about her “fandoms”, she can be found working on projects as an Associate Editor at Haven Publishing and adding to her ever-growing list of Things to Cosplay. She can currently be found searching for more material to feed her newfound obsession with Star Wars.

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About Michelle Lawhorn 211 Articles
Hailing from some kind of void beyond the stars, Stormraven indulges in costuming, writing, and flailing excessively over her favorite geeky things; Star Wars is at the top of the list and will remain there for quite some time.

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