First Official Look at 12th Doctor!

From the Official Doctor Who FB page! Our first look at what the 12th Doctor will be wearing. 

And he’s looking good!

But is anyone else still sad Capaldi won’t be swearing?

Doctor Who Merch

About Goldberry 34 Articles
“Goldberry Riverdaughter” has been her friends’ and families’ resident book nerd since reading the Tao of Pooh at age eight. Since then her literary exploration has lead her straight to Lord of the Rings where she’s made her home. In addition to a staff reporter for Legendarium, she also runs Hells Hobbits. She has a degree in History, as well as a new-found penchant for disassembling literary canon. She lives with her equally nerdy husband and two gigantic cats enjoying table top games & cosplay.


  1. I can do without ever hearing the f-bomb in Doctor Who, thank you.

    Very pleased with this new look, a little flash of Pertwee, and modern take on Troughton. I agree with other fans that he perhaps needs a little something else (hat, scarf, tie, something) to make it uniquely his… but I have a feeling that will come a little later. I’m just so happy they put him in black! 😀

  2. Yes, I suppose since Dr Who is a children’s show, the Doctor should probably set a good example. 😛

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