From Arnold.fans – Though production hasn’t started yet the highly anticipated sequel to Conan the Barbarian looks as if its on the way. Arnold, with screenwriter Andrea Berloff reveal the central idea of the story. The story takes place quite a few years after the events of Conan the Barbarian. Conan is king and must fight to keep his throne and live up to his own legend. Talking about age, Arnold reveals his own thoughts on the issue:
“Conan is very much alive. Age doesn’t mean anything to me, because I work out every day. I work out twice a day, as a matter of fact. At night I work out with weights, and in the morning I do cardiovascular training. So for me, to get on the set and to swing the sword around again and to ride the horses and all those things doesn’t mean anything [does not scare me], because I feel like I did thirty years ago. So as long as I stay in shape, that’s the key thing, and to keep your body young.”
And the actor certainly has stayed in great shape all these years. As to casting, so far there are no other actors cast for roles yet. However, there is interest from the actor’s old cast-mates and friends from previous film collaborations, including Sven-Ole Thorsen, Ralf Moeller, who starred in the 1990s TV series Conan, and Franco Columbu, who had small roles alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan The Barbarian and The Terminator. From Sven-Ole Thorsen:
“When Arnold is sitting on the throne as an older king, it left such an impression on me. That character of that movie has to be made. They can make it when he’s 80 years old or 70 years old. I’m sure that Conan is very close to his heart, and we very often talk about the days in Spain because we spent so long there shooting the first Conan, and we were really bonding with all the stuntmen and all the actors. So many great locations. So I do know that Conan is very close to Arnold’s heart.”
Believe me when I say that this project of close to the hearts of many fans of the character Conan and the actor as well. The Legend of Conan doesn’t have a director attached yet but it has been reported in 2013 that Paul Verhoeven was interested in taking the helm for the film.
victorialadybug (V. A. Jeffrey) is a fantasy and science fiction author. She also loves music, art, history, cooking, baking, fermenting stuff, comic book movies and nearly anything Tolkien related. Her biggest writing inspirations are Shakespeare, Frank Herbert and, of course, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Bring it Arnie! And that image from the end of Arnie’s first Conan movie is so iconic. Since we were little we’ve wondered what stories would await an older Conan. I’m glad, too, that a lot of the older guys are still kickin ass. Arnold, Sly, Harrison Ford, Jason Alan, you know, the LEGENDS.
That image in the last scene of Conan the barbarian has always been mysterious and interesting to me. it makes you wonder all the tales and epics he has to tell behind that grim face.
Can’t wait to see it – glad it’s Arnold!
Andrea Berloff – please go out with me for some pints – I want to talk to you about the Conan script. You can have my ideas free! I promise I will leave my sword at home…