Arwen to Eldarion: A Mother’s Prayer

My brave child,
Be at peace,
And grow.

Do not be afraid to dream,
Though dreams come hard,
For with every breath you take,
A new reality is born.

My brave child,
Learn to love,
And hope.

Never forget who you are,
No matter what they tell you,
For with every step you make,
Your world is transformed.

My brave child,
Seek for the truth,
And create.

Discover yourself in the work you know,
And embrace each day with an open mind,
For you are the future that must be,
Incarnate of the living past.


About John Evans 22 Articles
John Evans is an avid student of Medieval Literature and the writings of J.R.R Tolkien. He is a member of Doctor Cory Olsen’s Silmarillion Seminar and has been a proud supporter of Legendarium and the Mythgard institute. Along with these interests, he is the founder of the folk rock band Wrecked Haven, an amateur political theorist, and life-long writer of prose and poetry.

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