Legendarium continues our EXCLUSIVE interviews from HobbitCon 2014 in Bonn, Germany.
Jay Johnstone, Legendarium Director of European Media Operation, talks to Mark Hadlow (Dori), John Callen (Oin) & Adam Brown (Ori) in this fun interview!
Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, and Italian rapier.
I’m just going to sit this here and let you guys enjoy the chills that go up your spines when you hear Lana Del Rey’s beautifully creepy rendition of “Once Upon a Dream”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1nkymQupbY “From […]
On the heals of the highly successful Pacific Rim, the robots have now invaded Comic-Con courtesy of Wired– Geek Week! Created by the Stan Winston School and Pacific Rim/Iron Man armor creators, Legacy Effects, comes […]
After I saw Star Wars: A New Hope for the first time, I asked my grandfather if he had seen the movie yet. He told me he had not and generally avoided movies with lots […]
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