Hogwarts is Here, There, and Anywhere (with an Internet Connection)

Truthfully, I’m cutting class to work on this. I’ve got exams this week, and I’m still a few weeks behind in several of my Hogwarts classes. Fortunately, I’m only a first year, so I have a lot of freedom to work on assignments at my own pace. Still, I’m looking forward to the end of the school year and signing up for electives for my second year. I expect that moment to be almost as amazing as finally getting my long overdue Hogwarts letter!

There are many sites out there for Harry Potter fans, and several that try to give the fans some sensation of actually going to Hogwarts. Pottermore is a notable example of this, where you can brew potions, practice dueling and go to Diagon Alley. However, where’s the lessons? Where’s the homework? If you’re an obsessive academic like myself, those are questions you seriously asked yourself. And when Hogwarts is Here (http://www.hogwartsishere.com/) finally launched to the public, you were excited as can be to sign up for classes and start taking lessons.

The site is comprehensive, with seven courses first years are required to take (Astronomy, Charms, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic). There’s an extensive library full of books to read, and the lessons are informative, interesting, and often challenging. The team of volunteers who make the site run do a wonderful job of making the experience as real as it can be, with new lessons weekly, assignments, and final exams. You can chat in the Great Hall, answer trivia questions, earn house points, and have a dorm with your friends. New features are constantly being added. Up next is a school newspaper, the Daily Owl.


Plus, who doesn’t want to graduate from Hogwarts? Especially if you can go for free.

For the Harry Potter fan who actually thinks the learning part of Hogwarts is as fun as the magic and mayhem, this is a great site to check out.

About Robyn Stone-Kraft 34 Articles
Robyn was a fan of fantasy before she was aware there were even other entertainment options. She’s been a writer just as long as she’s been a fantasy fan. In D&D she plays Wizard, she was sorted into Slytherin, she supports House Lannister, flirts with Garrus Vakarian, supports the Imperial Empire, and she has a favorite Doctor. She also has more degrees in Literature than most people tend to consider a good life choice, has somehow managed to get some of her poetry published, and gets to fail college students who decide they don’t have to turn in their assignments. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband, four cats, and huge personal library.

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