First Mockingjay Part 1 Teaser Released

The first promotional tailer for  Mockingjay Part 1 was released today, portraying President Snow addressing Panem. Though its image is simple, its message is profoundly and perfectly chilling:

Last year’s Catching Fire left us with the separation of Katniss and Peeta and a game changing revelation. While this first teaser trailer shows us nothing of Katniss or Haymitch or anyone of that matter who is a part of the resistance, it shows us everything about what and who they’re fighting against. And as the video eerily pans out to show a compliant Peeta, dressed in all white and obediently standing next to President Snow, it shows us precisely who Katniss is fighting for.

Hunger Games and Catching Fire are both available now on dvd and blu ray while Mockingjay Part 1 will be released in theaters this November.

About Kelly Orazi 49 Articles
Kelly Orazi is currently a graduate student of medieval and fantasy literature at the newly founded Mythgard Institute. Her interests range from children’s fantasy literature (especially Harry Potter) and modern fantasy to medieval and classical literature. Her scholarly work on fantasy has been presented at Mythcon 43 and at 2013’s largest Harry Potter conference, LeakyCon Portland. She has also contributed to the popular Harry Potter site, and writes regularly on J.R.R. Tolkien and other fantasy works on her own blog,

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