Rumors have been swirling that Peter Jackson may direct an episode of the fan favorite sci-fi hit, Doctor Who, at some point in the future. Stephen Moffat says it’s something that’s been discussed before and that Jackson is enthusiastic but, understandably, a bit busy. However, with the third Hobbit film about the air, Jackson’s schedule looks like it might open up – at least long enough for our beloved time traveling Doctor to visit New Zealand!
Robyn Stone-Kraft
Robyn was a fan of fantasy before she was aware there were even other entertainment options. She’s been a writer just as long as she’s been a fantasy fan. In D&D she plays Wizard, she was sorted into Slytherin, she supports House Lannister, flirts with Garrus Vakarian, supports the Imperial Empire, and she has a favorite Doctor. She also has more degrees in Literature than most people tend to consider a good life choice, has somehow managed to get some of her poetry published, and gets to fail college students who decide they don’t have to turn in their assignments. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband, four cats, and huge personal library.
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