SDCC: Mockingjay Part One Poster Released by Lionsgate

A new poster promoting Mockingjay Part One, the third film in the Hunger Games franchise, has been released and is available now at San Diego Comic Con.

Instead of using simple character posters as they’ve done in past promotions, Lionsgate continues the (rather brilliant, I think) Propaganda theme that we saw in the past two teaser trailers for the first part of Mockingjay:

There’s also a notable use of black, white, and red colors, something this little alchemical reader can’t help but notice.

You can see more really excellent propaganda promotion over on the Capitol’s official website here before the film hits theaters this November 21st.

About Kelly Orazi 49 Articles
Kelly Orazi is currently a graduate student of medieval and fantasy literature at the newly founded Mythgard Institute. Her interests range from children’s fantasy literature (especially Harry Potter) and modern fantasy to medieval and classical literature. Her scholarly work on fantasy has been presented at Mythcon 43 and at 2013’s largest Harry Potter conference, LeakyCon Portland. She has also contributed to the popular Harry Potter site, and writes regularly on J.R.R. Tolkien and other fantasy works on her own blog,

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