Harry Potter Themed Conference LeakyCon Announces "GeekyCon"

LeakyCon, a popular Harry Potter convention sponsored by the longtime running fan site  The Leaky Cauldron, announced at this year’s convention the beginning of GeekyCon, “a fan convention rooted in the community that arose from Harry Potter devotees.” Executive director Melissa Anelli states,

“GeekyCon will continue in the tradition of LeakyCon and be a celebration of fandom. GeekyCon brings notable guests and compelling programming together with fans to create a positive and uplifting environment where attendees can enjoy themselves and each other” (source).

LeakyCon first surfaced in 2009, when fans had read all the books and seen all but the last of two Deathly Hallows movies. The convention was a place for Harry Potter fans to meet and feel at home, to talk about the books they loved and have lively discussions about everything they had recently experienced in Rowling’s world.
Since then, the fandom has grown spectactually. While the love for all things Harry Potter remains, recent years saw a burgeoning of new excitement over a variety of  fandoms. The convention became a home to all things geeky: From Harry Potter to Doctor Who, Star Kid, Buffy, Firefly, Star Wars, The Hobbit, and more. While LeakyCon has remained at its core a Harry Potter convention, the world of J.K. Rowling has been far from its only focus. Now, the announcement of GeekyCon as a place for all fandoms allows for LeakyCon to continue as an exclusively Harry Potter convention.
From their website:

“Our massive multifandom event is now called GeekyCon while LeakyCon will continue on as a smaller Harry Potter-only conference (because yes). GeekyCon, however, will still hold Harry Potter to its core as the best fandom ever and the center of everything we do. Because it is. And always – ALWAYS – will be. “

The announcement of a new and separate convention for all things Geeky comes as a welcome to those who have a special place in their heart for Harry Potter. LeakyCon will be much smaller than previous years (which has most recently grown to include nearly 5,000 attendees!) and will therefore provide an intimate and immersive setting to explore the Harry Potter series with other like-minded fans.



About Kelly Orazi 49 Articles
Kelly Orazi is currently a graduate student of medieval and fantasy literature at the newly founded Mythgard Institute. Her interests range from children’s fantasy literature (especially Harry Potter) and modern fantasy to medieval and classical literature. Her scholarly work on fantasy has been presented at Mythcon 43 and at 2013’s largest Harry Potter conference, LeakyCon Portland. She has also contributed to the popular Harry Potter site, thehogshead.org and writes regularly on J.R.R. Tolkien and other fantasy works on her own blog, http://themiddlepage-orazi.blogspot.com

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