Fans who were watching ABC’s drama Once Upon a Time last Sunday were in for more treats than they bargained for. The television series features the characters of the fairy tales we know and love trapped in our world by a powerful curse while the battle of good versus evil continues. At the end of the third season fans were shocked to see that the characters of Disney’s hit animated film Frozen, which is loosely based off Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale The Snow Queen, would be coming to the show. At the start of season four Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and the Troll leader Pabbie have all appeared and Prince Hans has been mentioned.
However more shocking was something that was discovered elsewhere. While Emma, Hook, and the others were fighting Elsa’s new Marshmallow snow monster Rumplestiltskin and Belle were off on their honeymoon when they came across a mansion that was currently unclaimed. While they were there Rumplestitlksin came across something that caught his curiosity. When he used his magic on it the item turned into a very familiar hat.

That’s right. It was none other than the iconic sorcerer’s hat used by Mickey during The Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment of the classic film Fantasia. Named Yen Sid by Disney fans everywhere the sorcerer has been a fan favorite for decades, regarded by many as one of the most powerful wizards in the Disney universe (sorry, Merlin) and was made popular by his first speaking role in the Kingdom Hearts game series.
What could this mean for the series? Is Yen Sid going to make an appearance on Once Upon a Time? Could this be connected with the imminent return of Maleficent later in the season? Will it tie in to Regina’s quest to find the author of the mysterious storybook? Will more Fantasia characters find their way to Storybrooke? We will all have to wait and find out.
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