Sorina Higgins, writer, English teacher, and Inklings scholar, gave a lecture at the New York C.S. Lewis Society about The Fall of Arthur and an imaginary, composite, Inklings Arthuriad. The lecture is below. You can also read a summary of the lecture at her blog.
Find Sorina Higgins’ scholarly work on Charles Williams, one of the Inklings, at The Oddest Inkling.
victorialadybug (V. A. Jeffrey) is a fantasy and science fiction author. She also loves music, art, history, cooking, baking, fermenting stuff, comic book movies and nearly anything Tolkien related. Her biggest writing inspirations are Shakespeare, Frank Herbert and, of course, J.R.R. Tolkien. You can find her at:
This is really good stuff Victoria, fascinating!
we have Sorina to thank for this project!