If you have yet to watch ABC’s reality/fantasy television show, The Quest, you’re in luck! The show, in which contestants face fantasy-themed challenges in the fictional kingdom of “Everealm,” originally aired this past summer and ABC has decided to keep the show available on its website ABC.com for all of 2015.
Produce Jane fleming passed this news on to The Quest Army Facebook page saying,
“Quest Army — your commitment is paying off! Because of your enthusiasm and love of the show, ABC has decided to break all precedent and keep the show on ABC.com for the rest of 2015! This is entirely due to your continued support!! Because of you, more and more fans are getting a chance to fall in love with THE QUEST and our ranks will grow! You really are the best fans in the world. See you at the re-watch tomorrow night at 5p/8p!!”
You can start watching The Quest right here and read more about show and what makes it special here.
Ive only just found this show on Netflix and I’m HOOKED! Why have I never seen this show?! I will be setting the DVR that’s certain =)