Watch Out! Here Comes the Spider-Man!

After months of “will they, won’t they?” speculation, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios have struck a deal that will bring everyone’s favorite webslinger to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Well… sort of.


In a statement released by Marvel last night, Spider-man will make his next feature film appearance in the MCU. Sony will then release the next installment of the wildly successful (but recently critically underwhelming) Spider-man franchise. That film will be co-produced by Marvel Studios executive Kevin Feige and the Marvel Studios team. Marvel and Sony will work together on a new creative direction for Peter Parker, with Sony maintaining its financial, distributive, and creative control.

So, what does that mean, exactly?

Most importantly, this is not Sony giving the rights back to Marvel, as 20th Century Fox did with Daredevil. It is more of a cooperative relationship of the movie studios than an outright surrendering of the franchise. Sony ultimately has the final say in all things Spider-man, with Marvel acting as a coach and mentor.

Both Marvel and Sony are excited at the prospect to grow and strengthen the Spider-man franchise, not only through bringing Spider-man into the world of the Avengers, but they are also exploring the possibility of bringing the Avengers to the world of Spider-man.

Initial rumors indicate that Spidey will be making his first MCU appearance in Captain America: Civil War, likely in a cameo role.

The real winner in all this is the moviegoer, who now finally gets to see Spidey kick tail alongside Iron Man, which is really what we always wanted.

About Lisa Bryan 8 Articles
Lisa Bryan has pretended to be a writer her entire life. One day, quite recently, she got tired of pretending and decided to tackle it head on. She is in the midst of writing a fantasy series, which is an ambitious first-timer's project by her own admission. Her childhood hero was Han Solo, she is addicted to Vanilla Coke, and her lifelong love of the San Francisco Giants has finally reaped its rewards. She lives in Southern California with her fiancé and their WiiU and Xbox 360.

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