Legendarium Media talks with Doctor Who actor, Terry Malloy at the Newcastle Film & Comicon.
In the Doctor Who universe, Terry Malloy played the Doctor’s greatest rival, Davros. Davros was the creator of the infamous killer machines, the Daleks.
Steve, also known as “Rifflo”, is a University MBA Administrator in Ontario Canada where he lives with his wife, Lisa and two young daughters, Alexa and Ava. Steve has an extensive background in corporate sales. Steve also worked for ISAF: International Security Assistance Force and the Canadian Military as a recruiter in Human Resources for the operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. When not immersed in Tolkien works,sci-fi, and film, you can find him training in Muay Thai, and Italian rapier.
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This is the last chance to participate in the Quest to Find Tauriel Something to Eat! Please check it out and comment HERE! Or on FACEBOOK!!! (Please excuse me for yelling.) “Tom the Troll’s Panini” […]
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