One of the things that is great about The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings are the family trees. There are many family trees that could be discussed. Two of trees that are fascinating are the Baggins and Durin family trees. An interesting bit about Bilbo and Frodo were they were cousins and not uncle and nephew even though Frodo called him uncle. Frodo and Merry were first cousins. Frodo and Pippin were second cousins. More about the family can be found at frodoforever.com.
Baggins Family Tree
Thorin’s family belongs to the Durin family tree. As we know Thorin is Fili and Kili’s uncle. Balin and Dwalin are Thorin’s cousins. Dori, Nori, and Ori are related to the Durin family but not sure where they fit in. They are believed to be distant cousins to Thorin. They don’t show up on the family tree because of the distance of the relationship to Thorin and the family line. Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur are not related to the Durin line. More about the Durin line can be found at tolkiengateway.net.
Durin’s Line
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