Grimm synopsis March 18 episode

Grimm series photo for Grimm synopsis March 18 2016


by Diane Riggins

Grimm synopsis March 18 episode:

Nick is back from Germany and already keeping things from Adalind. She’s hiding from him the fact that her powers are back. It’s not a good way to start a relationship.

Masks made from the flesh of Wesen are being created by a priest and given to wrestlers who are unaware of what the mask is made of. The person is given Wesen powers when they wear the mask.

Eve pays a visit to Renard to ask him some questions about the assassination of the mayoral candidate.

Rosalee and Monroe are doing research on the artifact that he and Nick recovered in Germany.

Renard contacts Adalind about their daughter and says that he might know of a way to get her back.


diane-riggins-9308592Diane Riggins writes fantasy (epic and urban), and paranormal novels and screenplays. She and her family live in the South with their dog and three cats. When she’s not writing she spends her time reading her favorite books which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Hunter series, playing her favorite online game Lord of the Rings Online, watching some of her favorite movies (Fast and Furious Franchise, Harry Potter Franchise, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and tv shows (Supernatural, Grimm, The Originals, and Arrow). You can read updates about her writing projects and other random topics on her blog:, follow her on facebook (drigginswriter), and on twitter: @sjledge2.

About Diane Riggins 87 Articles
Diane Riggins writes fantasy (epic and urban), and paranormal novels and screenplays. She and her family live in the South with their dog and three cats. When she’s not writing she spends her time reading her favorite books which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Hunter series, playing her favorite online game Lord of the Rings Online, watching some of her favorite movies (Fast and Furious Franchise,Harry Potter Franchise, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and tv shows (Supernatural, Grimm, The Originals, and Arrow). You can read updates about her writing projects and other random topics on her blog:, follow her on facebook (drigginsauthor), and on twitter: @dianeriggins.

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