May Nerd Block Unboxing


It’s that time again!

I received my May Nerd Block just a few days ago and again, I’M PLEASED with what I received. Nerd Block and I were off to a rocky start, but the past two boxes have been incredible.

This month’s themes were Star Wars and Star Trek with a nod to Ray Bradbury.  I really loved everything that I received this month!

What all did I get?

1.) The 60th Anniversary edition of Fahrenheit 451


Okay, okay. I admit it. I love books. I have two English degrees, I teach English and Creative Writing. I have what my husband calls an “addiction” to books (which I simply elect to call a “passionate hobby”). *cough* I buy books like most women buys shoes. Like them, I do the “hide it in the closet” thing, but instead I just place it on the shelf and no one knows that there’s a new book there…EXCEPT FOR MOI…  *evil laugh*

I told you I had a book problem.

Anyway, I was beyond excited when Nerd Block announced that they were including a book in this month’s box, especially one that is on my top ten favorites list. I actually didn’t own a decent copy of this book, but now I have a magnificent copy which includes an introduction by Neil Gaiman (!!!!). It’s nearly intolerable awesomeness.

2) Storm Trooper Bobblehead


This is a nice bobblehead. I actually saw it at Barnes & Noble recently for $12.95, so the fact that the whole box only costs $20 is a great deal. Really nice!

3) Chewbacca can cooler


If you have any kind of social media, then you know that the “Chewbacca Mom” is blowing up the internet. I don’t really care for masks (see, I’m a little claustrophobic), but I can definitely enjoy this can cooler. I don’t drink soda anymore so I’ll be putting my water bottles in this bad boy. Dasani just looks better with fur…

4) Star Trek Spock Action Figure


I love Leonard Nimoy. Seriously, he is the reason that I prefer TOS to later Trek shows (sorry, don’t pelt me with vegetables). I really liked this figure. He comes with a tricorder, but when I opened it both Spock and his tricorder were floating around in the box. Highly illogical. For the second time, the figure was OFF the card. Maybe some better packaging would have prevented this, but personally I didn’t care because I would have opened him anyway.

5) Futurama Print


I honestly love this and I want to frame it. It is really, really nice. However, mine had a crease in the upper right corner. It’s a small fold/scratch which I can probably fix, but again, maybe it should have been placed in a plastic sleeve. The local post office likes to play soccer with packages.

6) BB Bumper Sticker


Childless nerds like me REJOICE! Now we also have a sticker for our car. I remember those signs back in the 80s, and recently they have made a comeback. Instead of tiny humans, we have a cute astromech droid who has artificial intelligence. It doesn’t vomit, pull out the clothes you just folded, or require a college fund.  Plus, it won’t constantly ask me for money and then complain about my poor parenting on social media. #winning

7) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy t-shirt


If you recall my first unboxing, you will remember that I was NOT pleased with the Terminator t-shirt. As I type this, it’s wadded up in my office waiting for me to wear it while gardening or playing with bleach.


the last box had great shirts (yes, I received TWO last month) and this box was no exception. I’m a fan of Hitchhiker’s Guide, so I was pleased to see it staring back at me from the box. In fact, I wore this shirt yesterday.


Two huge thumbs up on this box. I really liked everything in it. My only suggestion is that Nerd Block should package some of the items better so they don’t get damaged in shipping. Again, two of my figures (Leelo and Spock) were removed from the card when I received them. I’m not particularly a fan of action figures (unless it’s Lord of the Rings or Narnia), but I imagine that some people might be upset. Other than this, I was really satisfied with the box this month.

I will not be doing an unboxing next month because I’m not interested in the franchises featured in the box. I believe Independence Day will be included. I decided that those things weren’t my cup of tea, so I will pass. However, I have been really happy with the last two boxes and intend to keep my eye open every month and subscribe if I’m interested. It is definitely worth $20!

About Crystal Hurd 47 Articles
Crystal is a writer, poet, reader, and public school educator from Virginia. She is happily married with three beautiful Terriers (adopted from local shelters). Her dissertation explored the leadership of C.S Lewis with postdoctoral work focusing on the leadership roles of artists. An unapologetic book nerd, Crystal loves to read and research works involving faith, literature, art, and leadership. She also possesses a deep, unrelenting interest in all things European, especially Doctor Who. You can read her weekly thoughts on her webpage/blog, friend her on Facebook, (Crystal Sullivan Hurd) and follow her on Twitter: @DoctorHurd and @hurdofficial.

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