Legendarium TV Recap: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 4)


Arrow – Season 5 Episode 4 – Penance

In this week’s episode of Arrow, the team goes after Church without Oliver. Meanwhile, Oliver and Lyla work together to break Diggle out of prison. Felicity refuses to help them. Rory (Ragman) leaves the team but decides to return after Felicity talks with him.

While Oliver is gone, Tobias Church launches a deadly assault on the city. Felicity then makes a decision to send them out without Arrow. Meanwhile, Wild Dog is taken hostage by Church and his men and Curtis is wounded.

The plan to break Diggle out does not go as smoothly as Oliver and Lyla would have liked. Diggle is not onboard with the plan and refuses to leave at first. Oliver convinces him to and they barely escape. Diggle is reunited with Lyla and is holed up at Hive. Oliver returns and vows they will find Rene (Wild Dog) and get him back.

Coming up…

Next week’s episode will see Oliver turning to an old friend to help get Wild Dog back.

Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW. You can check out the latest episodes here: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/arrow/



About Diane Riggins 87 Articles
Diane Riggins writes fantasy (epic and urban), and paranormal novels and screenplays. She and her family live in the South with their dog and three cats. When she’s not writing she spends her time reading her favorite books which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Hunter series, playing her favorite online game Lord of the Rings Online, watching some of her favorite movies (Fast and Furious Franchise,Harry Potter Franchise, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and tv shows (Supernatural, Grimm, The Originals, and Arrow). You can read updates about her writing projects and other random topics on her blog: a-creative-mind.com, follow her on facebook (drigginsauthor), and on twitter: @dianeriggins.

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