Legendarium TV Recap: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 9)


Arrow-Season 5 Episode 9- What We Leave Behind

Tonight is the midseason finale of the show. Oliver learns Artemis is working with Prometheus. Curtis is the first member of the team attacked by Prometheus. Oliver realizes after talking with Curtis that Prometheus knows their real identities. Thea puts on her speedy outfit once again to help Oliver deal with Prometheus.

Prometheus takes Felicity’s boyfriend Billy and uses him as a pawn in his revenge against Oliver. Oliver confronts the person he thinks is Prometheus only to find out it is Billy and now he has to tell Felicity that he is dead. Diggle walks into a trap at the safe house after receiving a phone call from Lyla. Paul leaves Curtis instead of making him choose between doing the work he is doing and their marriage.

After telling Felicity about Billy Oliver tells the team, they should get as far away from him as they can. Felicity tells him it is not his fault about Billy and she wants Prometheus dead. It is revealed that Prometheus is Justin Claybourne’s son.

Another midseason finale twist is Laurel Lance is back.

What happened to Diggle after he went into the safe house? Why is Laurel back?

The show returns on January 25, 2017.

Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW. You can check out the latest episodes here: http://www.cwtv.com/shows

About Diane Riggins 87 Articles
Diane Riggins writes fantasy (epic and urban), and paranormal novels and screenplays. She and her family live in the South with their dog and three cats. When she’s not writing she spends her time reading her favorite books which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Hunter series, playing her favorite online game Lord of the Rings Online, watching some of her favorite movies (Fast and Furious Franchise,Harry Potter Franchise, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and tv shows (Supernatural, Grimm, The Originals, and Arrow). You can read updates about her writing projects and other random topics on her blog: a-creative-mind.com, follow her on facebook (drigginsauthor), and on twitter: @dianeriggins.

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