Guardians of the Galaxy Pt. 2: Synopsis Analysis
Last time, we took a look at the comic versions of the Guardians of the Galaxy and did a very quick overview of their background with an eye towards details relevant to the movie due […]
Last time, we took a look at the comic versions of the Guardians of the Galaxy and did a very quick overview of their background with an eye towards details relevant to the movie due […]
Greetings fair travelers of the Perilous Realm! Today, we bring you a look into another of the upcoming slate of comic book movies. As anyone with access to the internet and/or a movie theater knows […]
Look! A brand new Man of Steel Trailer! Watch below! So, what does that three minutes of awesome tell us? Quite a bit. For one, whatever Johnathan Kent’s exact temperament we will be in the […]
Hail and well met friends! There has been a lot coming of the Superman, or rather Man of Steel camp lately and we’re here to condense it for you and possibly offer a bit […]
So, earlier today, I was browsing through the recently added section of my Netflix Instant app when I saw many things that made me happy, very happy indeed! Apparently, they made some sort of deal […]
Hail and well met once more fair travelers! Today, I bring you a review of fantasy novel The Hawk and His Boy, part one of the Tormay Trilogy by Christopher Bunn, a member of our […]
Greetings once again! You may have heard of this little game coming out from a little studio known as Turbine. Yes, that Turbine. It looks like they are expanding from LOTRO and MMO’s into superheroes […]
What the heck is a tweaser? Apparently it is a blast of one second shots from a movie crafted into something like a teaser trailer. And this one was posted by James Mangold, director of […]
Ever since Warner Bros. announced their plans to release a Justice League movie in 2015, the internet has been on fire with rumors and opinions as to the storyline, which characters would be involved, the […]
Greeting friends! Today, we’ll be sitting back to take a look at the most recent offering from Grail Quest Books, Greater Good by Nathan P. Butler. You may remember Mr. Butler from my reviews of […]
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