NYCC 2014: New Star Wars Rebels Comic
MILD SPOILERS FOR STAR WARS: A NEW DAWN BELOW! If you’re like me and wondering just how Kanan Jarrus, one of the lead characters in Star Wars Rebels, went from Jedi Padawan to disinterested laborer […]
MILD SPOILERS FOR STAR WARS: A NEW DAWN BELOW! If you’re like me and wondering just how Kanan Jarrus, one of the lead characters in Star Wars Rebels, went from Jedi Padawan to disinterested laborer […]
Although the hour-long pilot of Star Wars Rebels debuted on the Disney Channel last week, ABC will be doing a very special telecast of “Spark of Rebellion” on October 26, 2014 at 7PM. What makes […]
If you can’t wait until October to hear Vanessa Marshall give voice to Rebel pilot Hera Sydulla, check out this audio excerpt from Entertainment Weekly of the voice actress reading a passage from John Jackson […]
To go along with the seven-minute preview released earlier this month and the shorts still premiering, Star Wars Rebels has released a new look at the upcoming animated series. The three-and-a-half minute clip shows all […]
If you’ve been eager to know when Star Wars Rebels will finally come to TV, wonder no more! StarWars.com announced earlier this morning that Rebels will premiere on the Disney Channel on October 3, 2014 […]
Here it is! I’ll shut up now and let you enjoy it: About Reporter Michelle Lawhorn: Michelle, a.k.a. Stormraven, is what can only be described as an eclectic nerd. Her interests and expertise range […]
We already knew that a character called the Inquisitor would be the primary antagonist in Star Wars Rebels, but we never really got much more information than that. Well, and that he enjoys hunting the […]
Most fans already figured the favorite Jedi would somehow show up in the upcoming Disney series, but it was all just speculation…until now! A new French preview shows Obi-Wan in holograph form while Ezra looks […]
A lot of really cool Star Wars news has hit the Internet in the past couple of days! First up, Billy Dee Williams officially confirmed his involvement with Star Wars Rebels, due out on Disney […]
A few months back, LucasFilm and Disney announced that the Star Wars Expanded Universe would undergo a major upheaval in coming months in order to create a more unified universe. This weekend came not just […]
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